About Us

Dear Merchants and customers,

After nearly two decades, S&T Graphic Design and Colour Print is still bridging the gap between the merchants and consumers with “Perth Asian Business Directory” (Vietnamese Yellow Pages).

With the rise of today’s information technology, people of all ages and professions are becoming more pragmatic in their daily lives. We have launched the www.asianbusinessdirectory.com.au website with the aim to serve and provide information for commercial establishments and consumers on a global online market.

Information on the website is updated regularly and concisely using the latest techniques to create a site that is clear and easy to use in 3 languages English, Vietnamese & Chinese

In addition, we also create websites for businesses needing to bring themselves that one step further. For more information, please contact us on 9248 1286 or Email: shern@stcolourprint.com or shern@asianbusinessdirectory.com.au

Always learning & developing, we will continue serving as a bridge connecting businesses and consumers to build their success and growth for all.

Best Regards,
Shern Nguyen

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